About SqlGui
News / History
About this site

The last changes to SqlGui:
4.3.2003 (v. 0.5.1)
Added report-queries. Now sqlgui can store up to 10 sql-queries.
Preview for SQL-statements when creating tables.
Code-cleaning and performance-boost
29.9.2002 (v. 0.5.0)
Moved all database-dependant parts into separate libraries
Support for PostgreSQL
First API for plugins
31.7.2002 (v. 0.4.0)
SqlGui splitted into:
- libsqlgui (KParts-Library)
- SqlGui (the main-programm)
Listing of recently opened hosts in main-window
Ability to connect to several hosts simultaneously
24.4.2002 (v. 0.3.5)
added dialog for inserting new table-data
18.4.2002 (v. 0.3.4)
added some documentation (english and german)
added german translation
new dialogs with layout-management
added support for portnumber in connection-url (Thanks to Ahti, ahti@trigger.ee)
removed timeout, when trying to connect to non-existing-host
modified the XML-export, created a DTD
8.4.2002 (v. 0.3.3)
25.11.2001 (v. 0.3.2)
Added export-function:
supported formats: txt, csv, html, xml (without DTD, without entity-encoding)
Added some progress-bars
Fixed bug-nr 5
23.9.2001 (v. 0.3.1)
Fixed visualization-problems under QT Version 2.3.1:
by using the files qtable.h and qtable.cpp from the older
version 2.2.4 of QT those problems were solved.
4.9.2001 (v. 0.3)
Database-, table- and column-view is not cleared anymore, after issuing an sql-statement.
Now it is possible to edit the contents of the tables in the main-window. On entering a new value into the main-window,
SqlGui issues an UPDATE-statement to the database-server.
5.5.2001 (v. 0.2.1)
Fixed crash when trying to read data without permission.
1.5.2001 (v. 0.2)
Added table-generator.
Added table-deletion.
Added base-creation.
Fixed crash when connecting to server with empty tables.
Fixed crash on exit.
Added popups and some warnings.
Main-window has column-names now.
better memory-usage, garbage-collection.
Added "splitter" between database-listing and table-listing.
21.4.2001 (v. 0.1)
- Initial Release.
- SqlGui shows the databases, tables, columnes and it has a small sql-editor.
